Advent 2023: 21 December

Today’s image from ‘The Compleat Library’, in the Bolton Library, (1692) shows a beautiful image of pollinating bees

Advent 2023: 20 December

A manuscript from a recent research project showcasing a new form of book science and UL’s Data Visualisation Lab

Advent 2023: 14 December

Todays image is of our ScanTent, which allows researchers to quickly take digital images for private use

Advent 2023: 13 December

Today’s images of postcards from the Norton Collection, reminding us of the beauty all around us in Ireland

Advent 2023: 9 December

Sketches of the construction of the Ardnacrusha Power Station and a repurposed turbine in UL from the station

Advent 2023: 7 December

Todays image is of a number of pressed and dried leaves, found preserved in the Bolton Library

Advent 2023: 4 December

Today’s images are of material preserved under strict storage conditions in our strongrooms